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- NATIONAL ARCHIVES Washington, DC 20408
- Date: July 22, 1987
- Reply to
- attn of: Military Reference Branch
- Subject: Reference Report on MJ-12
- To: The Record
- The National Archives has received many requests for
- documentation and information about "Project MJ-12". Many of
- the inquiries concern a memorandum from Robert Cutler to
- General Nathan Twining, dated July 14, 1954. This particular
- document poses problems for the following reasons:
- 1. The document was located in Record Group 341, entry
- 267. The series is filed by a Top Secret register number. This
- document does not bear such a number.
- 2. The document is in the folder T4-1846. There are no
- other documents in the folder regarding "NSC/MJ-12".
- 3. The Military Reference Branch (Edward Reese) has
- conducted a search in the records of the Secretary of Defense,
- the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Headquarters US Air Force, and in
- other related files. No further information has been found on
- this subject.
- 4. Inquiries to the US Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of
- Staff, and the National Security Council failed to produce
- further information.
- 5. The Acting Director of the Freedom of Information
- Office of the National Security Council informed us that "Top
- Secret Restricted Information" is a marking which did not come
- into use at the National Security Council until the Nixon
- Administration. The Eisenhower Presidental Library also
- confirms that this particular marking was not used during the
- Eisenhower Administration.
- 6. The document in question does not bear an official
- government letterhead or watermark. The NARA conservation
- specialist (Mary Ritzenthaler) examined the paper and
- determined it was a ribbon copy prepared on "dictation
- onionskin". The Eisenhower Library has examined its collection
- of the Cutler papers. All documents created by Mr. Cutler while
- he served on the NSC staff have an eagle watermark in the
- onionskin carbon paper. Most documents sent out by the NSC were
- prepared on White House letterhead paper. For the brief period
- when Mr. Cutler left the NSC, his carbon copies were prepared
- on "prestige onionskin".
- 7. The Judicial, Fiscal, and Social Branch searched the
- Official Meeting Minute Files of the National Security Council
- and found no record of a NSC meeting on July 16, 1954. A search
- of all NSC Meeting Minutes fro July 1954 found no mention of MJ-
- 12 nor Majestic.
- 8. The Judicial, Fiscal and Social Branch (Mary Ronan)
- searched the indicies [sic] of the NSC records and found no
- listing for: MJ-12, Majestic, unidentified flying objects, UFO,
- flying saucers, or flying discs.
- 9. The Judicial, Fiscal, and Social Branch (Mary Ronan)
- found a memo in a folder titled "Special Meeting July 16, 1954"
- which indicated that NSC members would be called to a civil
- defense exercise on July 16, 1954.
- 10. The Eisenhower Library states, in a letter to NNMR,
- dated July 16, 1987:
- "President Eisenhower's Appointment Books contain no entry
- for a special meeting on July 16, 1954 which might have
- included a briefing on MJ-12. Even when the President had `off
- the record' meetings, the Appointment Books contain entries
- indicating the time of the meeting and the participants....
- The Declassification Office of the National Security
- Council has informed us that it has no record of any
- declassification action having been taken on this memorandum or
- any other documents on this alleged project....
- Robert Cutler, at the direction of President Eisenhower,
- was visiting overseas military installations on the day he
- supposedly issued this memorandum -- July 14, 1954. The
- Administration Series in Eisenhower's Papers as President
- contains Cutler's memorandum and report to the President upon
- his return from the trip. The memorandum is dated July 20, 1954
- and refers to Cutler's visits to installations in Europe and
- North Africa between July 3 and 15. Also, within the NSC Staff
- Papers is a memorandum dated July 3, 1954, from Cutler to his
- two subordinates, James S. Lay and J. Patrick Coyne, explaining
- how they should handle NSC administrative matters during his
- absence; one would assume that if the memorandum, to Twining
- were genuine, Lay or Coyne would have signed it."
- Chief, Military Reference Branch
- Military Archives Division